QiS documents

A list of current and archived documents relating to QiS (Quakers in Scotland), the proposed single charity for Quakers in Scotland. A mix of web pages and files. This page will be updated as documents change, please check date of your version. Also relevant: QiS Home (about becoming Quakers in Scotland), and QiS News (latest updates).

  • MoU = Memorandum of Understanding, an agreement between two or more parties (e.g. a local meeting and QiS) about where we make decisions and report issues; for instance about property issues.
  • Policy = An agreed way of doing things to comply with safety, legal, or other requirements. Includes policies for such things as health and safety, safeguarding, making our properties available to others.

Current documents

  1. Governing Document (constitution; pdf for the single charity, to function both as General Meeting for Scotland, and as Area Meeting (for those Area Meetings that have agreed). Submitted to OSCR Feb 2025. Note that this is primarily concerned with the formal responsibilities of the organisation as a registered charity. It must describe our purposes and some processes in order to be eligible for registration, but does not need to describe details of how we organise or manage our Quaker activities at local or regional levels. 
  2. Community proposals - about how we organise ourselves at levels between local meetings and Scotland level. GM on 30 November 2024 requested development of an Option 4-Option 2 hybrid which we are calling Option 4 (evolving). The attached paper outlines what this would look like. Previous documentation around the options considered are posted below in Archived documents.
  3. How it might work (pdf) for illustration and discussion (draft overview).
  4. Where are we up to now? (pdf, Feb 2025) - and how did we get here. 
  5. Finance and buildings MoU (pdf) (advanced draft) - currently, local meetings each have an MoU with their Area Meeting (AM). This would be the version for their relationship with QiS.
  6. Property MoU (pdf) (advanced draft). This includes the basis of agreement about how properties (meeting houses and any other properties owned by Area Meetings) will be managed, with strong local oversight.
  7. Financial structure and organisation (pdf) (draft) - possible ways to streamline and integrate accounts and administration.
  8. Foundation and substantive trustee roles (advanced drafts). All MS Word documents:
  9. Membership reporting for Quaker purposes (under discussion with BYM; no document to share yet) - Our membership of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) as Quakers is held through our membership of an Area Meeting (AM). During the transition to QiS, we need to make proposals to Meeting for Sufferings about how QiS will assume the role of our current AMs in a staged manner, while remaining equivalent to General Meeting for all Quakers in Scotland. 
  10. Management suggestions and costs (framework proposal to follow)
  11. QiS history in detail - full account 'QiS - where did it all begin' since first moves in 2015.

Archived documents