Every three years, Friends in Scotland help to discern our priorities for engaging with the Scottish Parliament.
Rights: What we have done

in autumn 2023 we submitted a response to a consultation on the proposed new Human Rights Bill, which you can see on the 'Rights' page under 'Actions'.

After consultation with the 4 Scottish Area Meetings, and with BYM colleagues, through 2022, PEWG's priorities for 2023-2025 were agreed by Friends at General Meeting in November.
The PEWG have responded to the Scottish Government's Review of their Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement.

Quakers in Scotland have responded to the call for views by the independent task force set up by the Scottish Government which is currently consulting about a potential new Human Rights law for Sc

Quakers in Scotland make a submission to the consultation on the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law