Ellis Brooks speaks to GM about Peace Education work in Scotland
Young people learn about peace at a London school. Image: Di Tatham for Quakers in Britain

Peacebuilding is one of the three ‘priority’ areas that your Parliamentary Engagement Working Group [PEWG] and our Parliamentary Engagement Officer [PEO], Sarah Komashko, strive to work in through our advocacy with Scottish Parliamentarians – directly and through work with valued allies. It’s also been one of the most fruitful in the past year.
One year on from the Peace at the Heart [PATH] events in the Scottish Parliament in September 2023 seemed a good time to review this work. We were so glad that Ellis Brooks, Peace Education Coordinator for Quakers in Britain, was able to join us on screen at November’s GM (where Peace work was our theme). Ellis lifted our spirits by sharing developments in peace education in Scotland over the course of that year. You can see the slides that Ellis shared with us at GM here.