Membership work

Membership - what it means to you and your meeting
I have been working together with the Local Development Worker for Wales (Helen Oldridge) and the Local Development Worker for the Thames Valley (Moya) to create a resource that meetings might use to consider and talk about membership. This work was tested in Wales and then created as a resource for other parts of the country.
Quaker Life Central Committee has asked Quakers across Britain to consider how we feel about membership. Helen, Moya and I have created a resource that is available here – https://padlet.com/helenoldridge/membership-and-belonging-sdejs56lk5kjnfrw. This resource includes a session plan, videos and other things to think about. We hope that this will provide meetings with a potential structure to hold the discussion around membership, should they wish to do so.
Part of the resource also includes videos from Max Kirk and Harry Albright from Quaker Life Central Committee, talking about the beginnings of their work on non-geographic membership.
Let me know if you would like any advice on this work.