Quakscot way forward.jpg

- Introduction
- The report Published 12 March 2023
- Further information
- Contact us
Shortcut to this page: bit.ly/scotquaker-options
General Meeting for Scotland commissioned the Options for Scotland (2) group to look at options for more radical reorganisation of the structures we depend on as Quakers in Scotland. At the GM held on June 10, some anxieties were expressed, and the topic will be reconsidered at the September meeting, with some further input provided by the OfS2 group.
The report
- Read the OfS2 report (or as pdf file, 1Mb) Changing our Structures for the future benefit of Quakers in Scotland. The first page is a summary.
- Questions and Answers (FAQ) (webpage) or as 0.2Mb pdf file. Based on questions asked at consultation sessions and elsewhere.
Further information
Information beyond the contents of the report:
- Draft Memorandum of Understanding (pdf file 0.5Mb) outlining possible arrangement of responsibilities, though many details will still need to be agreed.
- About the OfS2 task (webpage only) - summary of why it is needed, and the issues. Presentation from preparatory info for consultation sessions, Jan 2023.
- GM Minutes explaining where the concern came from. Or as 0.2Mb pdf file.
- OfS 1 report and progress (webpage only) - the work that was done up to the OfS2 group being formed, and progress with its recommendations.
- Options analysis (pros and cons) - in more detail than the report. Or as 0.2Mb pdf file.
- Similar initiatives in other regions of the UK - work in 4 regions concisely summarised. Or as 0.1Mb pdf file.
- Costs estimates. Or as 0.1Mb pdf file.
- Path to implementation - steps and approximate timescale. Or as 0.1Mb pdf file.
Contact us
If you would like to ask questions or send further input, best to contact one of the group members from your AM (listed below), but you can also email Neil Turner (neilturn [at] gmail.com (subject: From%20Options for Quaker Scotland) ) or Lesley Richards (convenor, lesley.richards [at] rocketmail.com (subject: from%20OfS2 webpage) ) with any queries or responses.