Role Holder Networks

Role Holder networks
Zoe organises and hosts opportunities for Friends with Quaker Roles to speak to each other, seek advice and learn from one other. These networks are held by Zoom and are run every other month. Current networks include:
- Elders, Overseers and Pastoral Care Friends
- Friends involved in Nominations work
Planned future groups include:
- Clerks of Local Meetings
- Trustees
I would love to be involved with the Role Holder Networks - what should I do now?
Please get in touch with Zoe Prosser.
You can email Zoe at zoep [at] quaker.org.uk.
You can call Zoe's work mobile at 07529225282. She often works mornings, but it is normally best to email her to arrange a time to talk, as her hours are quite erratic.
Zoe also has drop in sessions once a month, please check the newsletter - or email her - to find out the times and dates and get the Zoom details.