Our view on Changing Civil Partnerships Registered Outwith Scotland To Marriage In Scotland
Quakers in Scotland have responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on Changing Civil Partnerships Registered Outwith Scotland To Marriage In Scotland. Our clerk, Martin Burnell, has written:
In general, Quakers wish to support the possibility of converting civil partnerships registered outside Scotland into marriages recognised by Scottish law, providing the couple appreciate the complications that could arise in terms of recognition if they subsequently move away from Scotland.
Quakers support the principle of backdating the marriage to the original date of the civil partnership as is the case where civil partnerships are registered in Scotland, while recognising there are practical and legal problems where the civil partnership was registered outside the United Kingdom.
We feel strongly that within England, Wales and Scotland there should be full reciprocal recognition of civil partnerships, irrespective of the country in which they were registered.
The full response can be read here.