Glasgow Quaker Meeting
About us
We are a large Meeting, as Quaker Meetings go, with around forty people worshipping each Sunday.
Our Meetings are open to all and we offer a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us for worship in person or via Zoom.
Accessibility details are given below.
Scottish Interfaith Week
See the events section for our contribution to interfaith week
Meeting for Worship Times
Sunday 11 -12 am and Wednesday 12.30 -1.00
All meetings can also be joined via zoom. Please contact clerk [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk for details of the links.
If you are new to Friends, a leaflet entitled Your first time at Quaker Meeting can be downloaded as a PDF file from the Quakers in Britain website.
Britain Yearly Meeting also has a programme called Discovering Quakers. Click the link for more information and content.
COVID-19 limitations:We are no longer limiting the numbers in the Meeting House, nor keeping a list of those attending.
On 12 June 2022 it was agreed that masks would no longer be required at present for those attending Meeting for Worship. We advise Friends who wish to wear a mask to use an FFP2 mask.
Time for stillness: 8-8.30am Tuesdays on Zoom. A half hour space for quiet reflection. All welcome.
We also have rooms for hire to organisations whose aims are in sympathy with Quaker views: please follow the link under Charity meeting space above or contact the Centre Coordinator (link below).
Contact details
Centre Coordinator: glasgowquakers [at] yahoo.com
Mobile: 07761 096664; Landline: 0141 248 8493
Clerk: Clerk [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
We also have the following generic email addresses for specific people or committees in Glasgow Meeting:
Children's committee: Children [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Communication, Outreach and Media committee:coms-committee [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk ( )Communications [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Elders:elders [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk ( )Elders [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Hospitality committee: Hospitality [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Meeting librarian: Librarian [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Email list distributor: Mailinglist [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Pastoral Care: Pastoralcare [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Treasurer: Treasurer [at] glasgowquakers.org.ukTreasurer [at] glasgowquakers.org ()
Safeguarding Officer: Safeguarding [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Nominations Committee: Nominations [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Health and Safety: Safety [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Roomhire [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk (Room hire: )Roomhire [at] glasgowquakers.org.uk
Property Committee: Property [at] glasgowquakers.com
Climate Cafe: Glasgowquakers.climatecafe [at] gmail.com
Glasgow Meeting also has the following social media pages:
Facebook accounts:
Glasgow Meeting has a Facebook page under Glasgow Quakers, while younger Friends have their own Facebook page at Glasgow Young Quakers. This is a group for young adult Quakers (and Quaker-adjacent folks) in and around Glasgow. Young is loosely defined: under 35ish. The younger Friends have also produced a Glasgow Meeting Community Playlist which consists of 24 songs spanning classical to country, so hopefully something for everyone!
X (formerly Twitter): Our Twitter page is here
Instagram: Follow us on Instagram here
Meeting place

Meeting House
Glasgow Quaker Meeting House is located at 38 Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow G2 4PS and is:
- Across the street, and 70 yards from Charing Cross Station
- A 12 minute walk from Glasgow Central Station
- A 20 minute walk from Glasgow Queen Street Station
- 30 yards from Charing Cross multi-storey car park
- 100 yards from the Kings Theatre
Bus routes:
- Sauchiehall Street and Bath Street: 3, 4/4A, 15, 19/19A, 77
- Holland Street: 18
- St. Vincent Street: 2
- 38 Elmbank Crescent is a Victorian town house. There are several steps with a handrail to the front door. We regret that the front of the building is not accessible to everyone.
- Step-free access to the rear of the building (basement level) has limited parking availability. This is accessed along the northern end of Elmbank Street Lane (off Elmbank Street, behind Scottish Opera), which is extremely uneven and bumpy. For this reason, we recommend it is used only by car.
- There are toilets on all public floors. The only accessible toilet (next to the step-free entrance) is designed for independent use. However, space may be restricted for people requiring assistance.
- There are stairs and a lift to all public floors.
- The minimum width of doorways and lift in the building is 800mm.
- In the event of a fire, a power cut, or a lift failure, the alternative is to use the stairs. We have recently installed evac chairs in the building and planned a rota of trained evac chair handlers to be at each Sunday Meeting for Worship who can help anyone who needs to use one to help them leave the Meeting House. If you think you might need a Personal Emergency Egress Plan (PEEP), please contact the part-time Co-ordinator on landline 0141 248 8493, or mobile 07761 096664. If you have a physical, visual, hearing, or cognitive impairment, please also contact us. We can then provide you with the necessary information to manage your escape safely in the event of an emergency.
- There is an induction loop in the main Meeting Room. If you wish to use it, please contact us beforehand, on the numbers above.
- If you have any other accessibility requirements, please let us know and we will do our best to help you.
Activities of Glasgow Quakers
Members of the Meeting work with refugees, asylum seekers, the homeless, at food banks and in prison. Others are involved in community building and interfaith activities. There are also regular walking groups, shared meals and occasional other social events.
West Scotland Area Meeting Learning Group
The Learning Group plans to develop a regular newsletter with opportunities for learning across the Area Meeting, though we are not there yet.
The Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre catalogue. A wide range of in-person and Zoom courses is listed here for interested individuals. https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk
Climate Cafe
Glasgow Quaker Climate Cafe meets once a month, both in person, with a light supper first, and on Zoom. Its members aim to share information and reactions to the climate crisis and to support one another in climate-related actions, Contact us at glasgowquakers.climatecafe [at] gmail.com.
There are large boulders that you can sit on but you might prefer to bring a folding chair. Wear suitable outdoor clothes for the weather. We are usually joined by members of the Faslane Peace Camp.
Faslane 16.5.21 Banner s.jpg

Interfaith Event: The Power of Silence
An event during Interfaith Week featured three prominent members of our Meeting - Nuala Watt poet and disability activist, Alastair MacIntosh writer academic and ecological activist and Mark Coleman artist actor and director. They spoke on The Power of Silence.
Watch it here https://drive.google.com/file/d/179XBnTXLo0uOWKa8jJAk3VO5aph_WDVO/view?usp=drivesdk
Glasgow's colonial history
Helen Minnis of Glasgow Meeting and Paul Parker, Recording Clerk, produced a video discussing Glasgow's colonial history and the implications for Quakers which is available on YouTube (note: it is preceded by an advertisement). Helen delivered the 2022 Swarthmore Lecture to the whole of Britain Yearly Meeting.
More videos by Glasgow Quakers
There are seven other YouTube videos available, describing examples of Quaker outreach by members of Glasgow Meeting:
Doreen Osborne (Volunteering during lockdown for Glasgow's Covid-19 Mutual Aid.Group)
Ruth Wilkinson (The Trussell Trust)
Steve Koepplinger (Get Go Teams)
Michael Hutchinson (Quaker Concern for the Abolition of Torture)
Mary Kennedy (Amma Birth Companions) : courtesy of Amma