Portobello and Musselburgh Quaker Meeting
Meeting for worship
We meet on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 11am at Bellfield, 16B Bellfield Street, Portobello, EH15 2BP. (Please remember that the last Sunday in the month is not necessarily the fourth!)
We offer a very warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us for worship. On a Sunday morning, there are usually 15-20 people present. The children's meeting is at the same time and they join the main meeting for the last ten minutes. Meeting for Worship lasts one hour, and we have coffee/tea and time to chat afterwards.
If travelling by bus from Edinburgh or East Lothian, get off at the Bellfield Lane stop in Portobello. Bellfield is the big former church halfway down Bellfield Street.
We also have an evening meeting on the first Sunday of the month at 7.00pm, also at Bellfield. Meeting lasts for about half an hour. We don't have a children's meeting at this time.
Email list
We have an email mailing list, which you are welcome to join if you'd like to receive mailings about meetings for worship and other relevant information. Ask to join it (or access it if you're already a subscriber) at Portobello & Musselburgh mailing list.
Enquiries about Portobello and Musselburgh Quakers to our Co-Clerks, Robin Liebmann, Sarah Martin and Marian Willoner at portymussclerks [at] gmail.com.
Page edited by Chris Booth - chris [at] gn.apc.org
Meeting place

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