Penicuik Quaker Meeting

Meeting for Worship: Penicuik Meeting takes place on the first Sunday of every month, between 11am and noon, at Valleyfield House, 17 High Street, Penicuik EH26 8HS, and is followed by tea, coffee and a bring-and-share lunch. All members, attenders and those curious about Quakers and Quaker meetings are most welcome, as are children (there is not usually a specific children’s meeting but we are delighted to see them and may arrange activities for any children present).

There are usually between five and fifteen present at Meeting for Worship, but we can easily accommodate more.

Valleyfield House is reached through the pend and car parking is available at the house (down the drive beyond the private paved parking area just behind the pend).

Penicuik is easily reached by public transport using Lothian bus 37 from Edinburgh or First Scotland East bus X62 from Peebles.

Please visit Penicuik Meeting’s home page at for further information and details of how to get there (including suggested bus times), or email .

Meeting place

Valleyfield House
17 High Street
Penicuik ,