Orkney Quaker Meeting (Mainland)

Meeting for Worship

Meet at United Reformed Church, Peedie Kirk, Palace Road, Kirkwall KW15 1PA
(opposite St Magnus Centre behind Cathedral)
1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 1315 hours.

Also by Zoom on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1900 hours.

Please check with the Clerking Team first for updates. 


Members of our meeting are scattered over the Orkney Mainland, and some inner and outer isles. We usually have 6–10 Friends attending Meeting: afterwards, we share time over tea, coffee and biscuits. We warmly welcome visitors.

Contact details

Telephone: Edmund Holt (01856 870747) or Christine Davies (07703 178118)

E-mail: orkneyquakers [at] gmail.com

Meeting place

Peedie Kirk
Palace Road
Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1PA ,