Dundee Friends Property Trust

General description and aims

Dundee Friends' Property Trust (hereafter the Trust) is a charitable Trust registered in Scotland under the Charities Act - Charity number SC021138. Its Trust purposes are found in the Contract of Fue and Disposition by and between the Commissioners of Police for the Burgh of Dundee and the Trustees for the "Dundee Branch of the Society of Friends" dated 20th May and 26th June, 1st and 9th July and recorded in the Books of Council and Session on 23rd July all days in the year 1891 (hereafter referred as the Trust Deed).

The Trust Deed requires that the Trust ensures a place of worship for Dundee Quakers and that any surplus income (e.g. from letting of property) may be used to make grants to organisations whose aims and objectives reflect Quaker testimonies of peace, equality, simplicity and truth. Since 2018 there has been a moratorium on grant giving as a result of reduced income from lettings and increased expenditure on building refurbishment.

The Trust employs a part time Administrator who can be contacted at the registered address, 7 Whitehall Crescent, Dundee, DD1 4AR or by email to marion [at] dfptrust.co.uk.

The Trustees usually meet four times a year (February, May, August and November)


There are currently 6 Trustees:-

  • Martin Pippard - Clerk
  • Sue Mansfield - Minutes Clerk
  • Pam Brunt - Treasurer
  • Bill Edgar
  • George Berwick
  • Bel Ingham