Inverness Quaker Meeting
Meeting for Worship
- Every Sunday at 10.30am at The Tree House (NB No mail is to be sent to this address)
- We are unable to hold Children's Meetings at present but we hold regular All Age Worship on the 5th Sundays, as well as additional all age gatherings. Details can be found on Inverness LM Noticeboard.
Members of our Meeting are scattered over a large part of the North of Scotland. There are usually between 10-18 adults attending on a Sunday and sharing a cup of tea/coffee afterwards. We offer a warm welcome to everyone who joins us for worship.
There is wheelchair access, a lift, disabled toilets but no hearing loop.
Dingwall Worshipping group
Meeting for Worship is held on the last Saturday of every month at 2pm in Dingwall Community Centre. Contact oriolehall [at]
Further information about Inverness LM activities and the entry code for the car park can be found on: Inverness LM Noticeboard
Contact details
For further information telephone Oriole Hall (01349 864086) or email Jean Thompson (inverness [at] We are on Facebook.
If visitors require a lift from the centre of town, please contact 07850 658921 or 07908 205623
Meeting place