- Quakers in Scotland (QiS)
- QiS news
- The main Quakers in Scotland (QiS) page outlines the work and gives a summary of how we got to this stage, with links to more detail.
- This page provides updates on progress.
- The QiS documents page lists key current and archived documents.
MARCH 2025
- On 13 March the new charity was registered with OSCR, charity number SC054060
- Foundation Trustees have submitted an application to OSCR, including a finalised Governing Document (see Documents), to form the new charity. We expect at least several weeks before hearing back.
- In taking planning forward Foundation Trustees are being supported by the QiS Coordinating Group, by Friends with particular experience and expertise, and by those in key roles.
- General Meeting on 30 November appointed five Foundation Trustees, nominated from all four area meetings, to make an application to OSCR. They will meet during December. Kate Gulliver presented Where are we now and how did we get here? (14 min video).
- Area Meetings mostly indicated a preference for Option 4, with some considering option 2. Following GM on 30 November, an Option 4 (evolving) is being developed to include a description of how an Intermediate Meetings could function very like our current AMs, without the elements that require charity status, property ownership, or employment. So a hybrid of options 2 and 4. Lesley Richards gave a presentation comparing options 2 and 4. QiS Options 2 and 4 (14 min video).
- Wording of a governing document (constitution) for QiS is almost ready so that we can make an application to OSCR. This document does not specify details of how we will work at local and regional levels.
- Discussions on how we could manage property and money are advanced.
- Discussions under the heading of Community led to a report which is being considered by AMs currently, and a special GM shortly. This includes how we could best arrange such matters as fellowship, eldership, membership, nominations, marriages, funerals. Feedback so far suggests that flexibility to make some decisions in regional or other appropriate fora is strongly desired.
- More detail of where we are with some of these issues is available at QiS documents.
- GM has now received minutes from all four area meetings agreeing to proceed with establishing a new SCIO, Quakers in Scotland.
- This will require a 'Foundation Trustee' from each Area Meeting and/or charity.
- Initial feedback suggests that some intermediate level of fellowship and business meeting is sought by Friends, which could take on some functions - membership and eldership were particularly discussed.
- Further comments on the draft Governing Document are being incorporated in readiness to make an application to OSCR.
- A framework for financial arrangements is under discussion.
- Detail of steps required to join and run the new charity are in preparation.
- Responses to the Community Group questions have been received, collated, and a summary posted on the GM webpage under 'Documents'. Options for managing such matters as Eldersip, Nominations, Membership, funerals, marriages, will be discussed at GM in September.
- The latest (September 2024) version of the draft Governing Document is posted at the same place. We are reviewing advice received so far, and seeking more, but to get a final OSCR view (particularly around how we describe Quaker business methods) will require submission of an application to set up the new charity. This would not require confirmed commitment from any AMs to join it.
- We are further on in describing possible transition arrangements:
- The first step would be for GM to appoint a trustee ('Foundation Trustee') from each of our areas or charities, to apply to OSCR for creation of a new charity as an 'empty shell' - it would initially have no property, staff, or funds. The trustee body would be enlarged as existing charities join and transfer assets.
- The Treasurers group continues to work to describe the necessary steps to working as a single organisation.
- The Property group have developed an MoU template that current property committees (or equivalents in each AM) agree could be the basis of future working.
- We still need to develop an outline of the structure of staffing and employment, including some additional support for trustees, in view of their wider responsibilities.
JUNE 2024
- A set of questions posed by the Community Group is being considered by local meetings, reports expected by the end of June.
- A draft Memorandum of Understanding about Property matters is close to being agreed after consultation with property committees and others, the latest version is being circulated now. It is acknowledged that there is overlap with arrangements for employment and finance, and these will be returned to.
- The Treasurers Group continues to consider ways of working as a single organisation.
- The draft Governing Document has continued to be adapted in response to feedback. A meeting with SCVO to review legal aspects is being arranged.
- The core QiS group also continues to work on questions around possible transition arrangements, and how and when to develop more detail on common policies, employment and working arrangements.
- A special GM on April 6 considered the QiS project (see GM page for Minutes). Analysis from breakout groups will be published here soon.
- At GM in September there will be a further update, and proposals for next steps.
- Area Meeting nomination committees might begin to consider who could be suitable as Foundation Trustees for a new charity (2 per AM). Foundation trustees would be required to apply to OSCR to register a new charity, though the new body would not be active until at least one AM had joined.
MARCH 2024
- Area Meetings are considering progress in advance of a special General Meeting to be held on 6th April.
- An updated but still draft Governing Document, dated 21 March, is now available.
- A detailed account of the history of this work, Where did it all begin?, is also published.
- Consultation sessions were held on March 18 and 20th. A short preparatory paper Becoming QiS in Scotland summarised information in advance of that.
- The draft Property MOU is being considered by Property Committees.
- The Community group is now established and planning first meetings. Meetings of the Treasurers group continue.
- After consultations at online meetings and by direct correspondence, involving trustees and others interested, a draft governing document (pdf file, 180kb; link updated to retrieve a further modified March version) has been sent to Area Meetings, GM, and DFPT. In general, issues raised have concerned wording rather than principles. This is not surprising, as the document is closely based on equivalent documents from Area Meetings. Some questions are soon to be discussed with the charity regulator, OSCR, and will then be scrutinised by lawyers before coming back to Friends for approval. Comments continue to be received. Advice is also being sought from SCVO.
- A webpage covering Frequently asked questions has been created.
- The Finance group continues to meet regularly. Treasurers from all six of our charities are included in this group.
- The Property group has extended its remit to encompass staff questions, as most staff roles are around property. The group has participants from existing property committees (or equivalents; names vary). A draft MOU is ready to circulate to property committees.
- The Community group, covering other questions, is recruiting more members with a range of experience from area meetings.