Aberdeen Quaker Meeting

Meeting Place: 98 Crown Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6HJ

Meeting for Worship: Sunday at 10.30 a.m. with children's class.

Rooms are available for hire - click for details

All enquiries to aberdeenquakers [at] gmail.com 

The Meeting House has disabled access and facilities throughout, including an induction loop for the hard-of-hearing. An internet connection with WiFi and ethernet can be arranged on request.

Currently there is an average attendance of around 15. Sadly, since lockdown we haven't had any children attending regularly, however children are still welcome.  The Meeting House itself was built in 1903 and is of architectural interest.  It is the only purpose-built Quaker Meeting House in Scotland that has been in continuous use since construction.


Aberdeen Meeting HouseAberdeen Meeting House Directions: 

Crown Street runs south from Union Street, almost opposite the Music Hall. The Meeting House is about 300 yards down the road on the right, next-door to the former Shirlaw's motor cycle shop. Most of the local bus routes run along Union Street. Plan your journey here https://www.travelinescotland.com
If you arrive by car, there is normally free on-street parking on a Sunday morning though there is also limited parking in front of the Meeting House. Long term parking is available in the College St. multi-storey car park - to get to the Meeting House, cross the dual-carriageway at the traffic lights, walk up the steps or ramp to Marywell St and turn right at the end into Crown St. This takes about 10 minutes.
For anyone arriving by train, the Meeting House is only about 10 minutes walk from the station, but if you have heavy luggage you would need a taxi.

In meeting for worship we sit in silence and, as the silence deepens, one or two may be led to offer brief ministry. Contemporary Quakers are far from the image of dour people in grey. We celebrate life and seek to answer that of God in everyone in various forms of social witness. As an early Quaker said, "True godliness doesn't turn us out of the world but excites us in our endeavours to mend it".

If you are interested in learning more about Quakerism, click here and you will be directed to Discovering Quakers.

Meetings for Worship are also held at:

Dundee, and Rafford, near Forres.

Click on the name for more details,

Map for Aberdeen Meeting

This page is edited by Clive Potter, clivepotter16 [at] gmail.com

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Meeting place

Quaker Meeting House
98 Crown Street
Aberdeen AB11 6HJ ,