Quakers welcome Equal Protection from Assault bill

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Peace education

Parachutes and rainsticks: young children learn listening skills through play. Photo credit:Jane Hobson
Parachutes and rainsticks: young children learn listening skills through play. Photo credit:Jane Hobson

Quakers in Scotland are welcoming a change in the law to move Scotland to become a more non-violent nation.

Quakers’ General Meeting for Scotland made a submission to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee on the Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill.

In it they say, “Quakers believe that non-violence is something that needs practice throughout a lifetime, and that the grounding for a non-violent life starts in childhood. We therefore welcome this positive move towards Scotland becoming a more non-violent nation. However, we also feel that a law alone is not enough, and that to create lasting cultural change education, training, support and compassion needs to be offered to those who struggle to meet the requirements of the Bill.

“We welcome the Bill as a good first step on reducing violence against children. However we would also caution that the aim of eradicating violence against children will need more work over a long time scale to achieve.”

Mairi Campbell-Jack, Scottish Parliamentary Engagement Officer for Quakers in Britain will be providing oral evidence to the Committee on Friday (15 March).

Quakers in Wales responded to a consultation from the Welsh Assembly last year, and their response in included in this summary.

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